Our recipes

Crêpes Suzette
Crêpes gaufrées à la Confiture de Citron & Gingembre et mascarpone
Petits sablés de Noël

Make way for our Christmas shortbread cookies! Lightly golden, deliciously crispy, and decorated by our little kitchen elves. These cookies... Read more

Tartes aux pommes confites aux épices et à la Confitures de Poire & Yuzu

the jam wrap, a delicious recipe to taste the jam at teatime, with whipped cream

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Jam Filled Cookies

Who hasn't enjoyed jammy glasses sprinkled with icing sugar that sticks to their fingers? A regressive and easy recipe for a snack.

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Carrot Cake  with Fig Walnut & Cognac Jam

The carrot cake recipe, based on carrots, apples and cinnamon: delicious with our jam Fig Walnut & Cognac 

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an easy strawberry jam recipe, to be mixed with pineapple, for an exotic and seasonal touch

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Mouna brioche and its organic sweet orange marmalade

a traditional brioche recipe, delicious with candied orange marmalade. A great Easter classic.

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Fontainebleau with strawberry gariguette jam, fresh strawberries and honey granola

the quick and easy fontainebleau recipe, to be used with all jams and granola to add crispness

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Candlemas: the perfect pancake recipe
Christmas star cookies with jam

a recipe to be made with the whole family during the holidays: jam shortbreads, to be used in all flavours to delight young and old alike

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